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Interface IGLTF

The root object for a glTF asset




Optional accessorsSearch playground for accessors

accessors: IAccessor[]

An array of accessors. An accessor is a typed view into a bufferView

Optional animationsSearch playground for animations

animations: IAnimation[]

An array of keyframe animations

assetSearch playground for asset

asset: IAsset

Metadata about the glTF asset

Optional bufferViewsSearch playground for bufferViews

bufferViews: IBufferView[]

An array of bufferViews. A bufferView is a view into a buffer generally representing a subset of the buffer

Optional buffersSearch playground for buffers

buffers: IBuffer[]

An array of buffers. A buffer points to binary geometry, animation, or skins

Optional camerasSearch playground for cameras

cameras: ICamera[]

An array of cameras

Optional extensionsSearch playground for extensions

extensions: {}

Dictionary object with extension-specific objects

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: any

Optional extensionsRequiredSearch playground for extensionsRequired

extensionsRequired: string[]

Names of glTF extensions required to properly load this asset

Optional extensionsUsedSearch playground for extensionsUsed

extensionsUsed: string[]

Names of glTF extensions used somewhere in this asset

Optional extrasSearch playground for extras

extras: any

Application-Specific data

Optional imagesSearch playground for images

images: IImage[]

An array of images. An image defines data used to create a texture

Optional materialsSearch playground for materials

materials: IMaterial[]

An array of materials. A material defines the appearance of a primitive

Optional meshesSearch playground for meshes

meshes: IMesh[]

An array of meshes. A mesh is a set of primitives to be rendered

Optional nodesSearch playground for nodes

nodes: INode[]

An array of nodes

Optional samplersSearch playground for samplers

samplers: ISampler[]

An array of samplers. A sampler contains properties for texture filtering and wrapping modes

Optional sceneSearch playground for scene

scene: number

The index of the default scene

Optional scenesSearch playground for scenes

scenes: IScene[]

An array of scenes

Optional skinsSearch playground for skins

skins: ISkin[]

An array of skins. A skin is defined by joints and matrices

Optional texturesSearch playground for textures

textures: ITexture[]

An array of textures


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Static property
  • Static method